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Friday, July 8, 2016

Papua New Guinea, Uttar Pradesh, join Scaling Up Nutrition movement

The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement has announced the joining of the campaign by two states, namely Papua New Guinea and the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, reports NaijaAgroNet.

Interim Coordinator of the SUN Movement, Tom Arnold, disclosed this to NaijaAgroNet as part of the update on new phase of the campaign, which he was delighted has continued to grow and inspire transformative action as part of the collective efforts at improving nutrition.

He said that so far, in this first half of the year, the SUN Movement has welcomed Papua New Guinea and the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh as its newest members.

According to him, a new Strategy and Roadmap (2016-2020) has been developed with a consultative process, supervised by SUN Movement Executive Committee. 

“It will be launched by the Lead Group in September,” he said.

Arnold equally commended the respective nutrition communities for their contributions and commitment through the SUN Movement’s Annual Joint-Assessment exercise to consider progress and define future priorities.

“Congratulations to you all on sustaining the momentum and your continued efforts to drive the SUN Movement forward,” he said.

Nigeria has been a member of SUN Movement since November 14, 2011.

Isaac Oyimah/GEE

... Linking agrobiz, sustainable environs, people & technology
Pix: Interim Coordinator, SUN Movement, Tom Arnold

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